Supplier News
Why Data Matrix Sets The Standard For Challenging Item By Laura Hoffman, Microscan
Data Matrix sets the standard for reliable, accurate and space-efficient identification. In fact, it is the standard specified by the Electronic Industries Association (EIA), Semiconductor Equipment Manufacturer’s Institute (SEMI), Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG), Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), NASA, the Air Transport Association (ATA) and the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), for meeting a variety of item traceability and lifetime identification requirements. Submitted by Microscan
Application Note: Lightning Protection For Aircraft Electrical Power And Data Communication Systems
A jetliner is struck by lightning at least once every 1,000 flying hours while safely transporting passengers and crew to their destination. Within its thin metal and composite shell, tens of thousands of sensitive semiconductor chips are performing critical functions from navigation to jet engine controls...
Northrop Grumman Delivers Its Newest Navigation System For Flight Testing On Navy's F-5 Fighter
The first unit of Northrop Grumman Corporation's newest fiber optic gyro-inertial navigation system, the LN-260, has been delivered to the U.S. Navy for flight testing on its F-5 Tiger II Adversary Fleet Support Fighter
10 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Jumping On Board The RFID Bandwagon
While RFID has proven to be a valuable tool in many industries and has several advantages over the bar code, implementing an RFID solution may not be appropriate for your business from the payback perspective. Whether your investigation of RFID solutions is voluntary or involuntary, as in the cases of Wal-Mart and Department of Defense (DoD) mandates, there are ten key questions that you can ask yourself to help determine your RFID application's payback. Submitted by American Barcode and RFID
Digital Imaging: CDG And ISA Announce Alliance Partnership To Expand On-Site Digital Imaging Services
Continental DataGraphics (CDG), a subsidiary of The Boeing Company, and Integrated Scanning of America (ISA) recently announced that they have formed a strategic partnership to support expansion of capabilities to deliver comprehensive on-site digital imaging services for their clients.
Mobility Matters: Increase Service Accuracy And Reduce Costs In Aerospace
In the aerospace industry, safety is paramount, but the ability to make a profit is often what determines the survival of aerospace manufacturers. Many aerospace companies are implementing enterprise mobility solutions to address the concerns inherent to their industry and gain competitive advantage. Submitted by Motorola
The Oxford Princeton Programme Announces New Natural Gas And Aviation Courses
The Oxford Princeton Programme, the world's leading provider of full-spectrum training solutions for the energy, commodity and derivatives industries, is proud to present four NEW courses, Gas-to-Liquids - A New Gas Horizon, LNG Shipping - A Voyage of Discovery, Global LNG: Important and Regasification - Europe and Aviation Fuels: Supply, Economics and Trading
MicroMo Introduces Powerful, Lightweight Ø3mm Brushless DC Motor
MicroMo Electronics, Inc. recently announced the expansion of its Brushless DC motor product line with the new version of the Smoovy Series 0308…B. This new version of the brushless DC motor uses the “System FAULHABER” skewed winding in combination with a rotor made of Neodymium rare-earth magnets to provide cog-free motion
Ultra-Wideband RF Measurements
By Tektronix
With more wireless connections being integrated into a wide range of products, many are looking for a wireless technology that can handle higher data rates approaching 1 Gb/s. All of the currently proposed solutions to meet that goal are focused on ultra-wideband (UWB) transmission systems. UWB technology is expected to achieve data rates in excess of 1 Gb/s over short distances at low power. This makes UWB a practical alternative to high speed cabling... -
Tektronix Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer Supports Broad Range Of Project 25 Test Needs
By Darren McCarthy, Tektronix Inc.
In the last decade, new digital land mobile radio (LMR) communications systems have been developed to meet the growing communications needs of public safety. In an effort to satisfy public safety users’ expectations, LMR manufacturers involved in Project 251 are establishing a “Compliance Assessment Program” that will evaluate P25 equipment for compliance with respect to performance, interoperability and conformance standards
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