
Radar System

Source: Amphitech International Inc.
The OAYSYS Obstacle Awareness Radar is designed to alert pilots to unseen obstacles such as power lines, towers, terrain and other aircraft, even in difficult day and night weather conditions
Amphitech International Inc.Obstacle Awareness Radar is designed to alert pilots to unseen obstacles such as power lines, towers, terrain and other aircraft, even in difficult day and night weather conditions.

The system is designed specifically for helicopters and is based on 35 GHz radar technology. The system has the ability to detect power lines 2 km away in foggy conditions where visibility has been reduced to 125 meters as well as stationary and moving obstacles. The system also detects 1 m2 RCS at 1 nm.


  • Acts as GPWS (Ground Proximity Warning System) to avoid CFIT (Controlled Flight Into Terrain)
  • Built-in LWx (Local Weather Radar): 75 km range
  • Takeoff and landing guiding system
  • Audible tone and visual warning signals
  • Adaptive safety zone
  • High precision dual-axis gyro-stabilized system

    <%=company%>, 65 de la Seigneurie Blvd. East, Blainville (Quebec) J7C 4M9, CANADA, Tel: 450- 430-1335, Fax: 450 430-0800