

Source: Cell Computing, Inc.
The Plug-N-Run PCI-based micro-motherboard product line is a 3 x 5-in., low-power module

The Plug-N-Run PCI-based micro-motherboard product line is a 3 x 5-in., low-power module containing all the functionality of a traditional PC motherboard. It features an Intel mobile Pentium or mobile Pentium II CPU, cache, chipset, graphics controller, Bios, and Super I/O, in a from factor designed for mobile and embedded computer systems. The initial member of the family features a 233-MHz Intel mobile Pentium processor with MMX technology. In addition to the Pentium CPU, 256 Kbytes of L2 cache and Intel 430TX system controller is included. Typical applications include ruggedized notebooks and tablets, network attached servers, dedicated web servers, CompactPCI, mobile test equipment, wearable computers, and aircraft instrumentation.

Cell Computing Inc., 2099 Gateway Place, Suite 750, San Jose, CA 95110. Phone: 408-967-8800; Fax: 408-967-8801.