GPS Simulator
Source: Interstate Electronics Corporation
The Global Positioning System (GPS) Simulator replicates both the Y2K time problems and end-of-week (EOW) rollover
Interstate Electronics CorporationPositioning System (GPS) Simulator replicates both the Y2K time problems and end-of-week (EOW) rollover. The 24-channel simulator synthesizes a number of satellites capable of simulating both the 1,024 EOW rollover and 1/1/2000 date change for guidance systems used in ground, air and space vehicles for any location in the world. In addition, it can simultaneously induce multi-path effects, and LAAS as well as GPS jammers, spoofers and ground transmitters. The unit features a true six-degree-of-freedom motion editor and can accept real-time user information from an external computer providing a real-time, hardware in-the-loop capability with 3-11 millisecond latency. The simulator delivers full control over satellite geometry, GPS signal content, host vehicle dynamics, including terrain and vehicle obscuration. In both commercial and military aerospace applications, the simulator facilitates precise evaluation of a Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM).
<%=company%>, 602 E. Vermont Ave., PO Box 3117, Anaheim, CA 92803. Phone: 714-758-0500; Fax: 714-758-4148.
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