
Executive Information System (EIS)

Source: ProfitKey International
The RRM EIS enables you to analyze, on a minute to minute basis, your operational and market data, discover critical factors and trends that drive the business
The RRM EIS enables you to analyze, on a minute to minute basis, your operational and market data, discover critical factors and trends that drive the business, and then use that knowledge to take specific action to optimize company performance.


  • Access a clear, high-level view of business information.

  • Compare database dimensions (e.g. actual vs. budget), measures (e.g. sales and cost of good), or time periods (e.g. this year vs. last year, promotional seasons).

  • Highlight exceptions to expected performance using modifiable "triggers".

  • Quickly identify possible areas of interest or concern with color-coded graphics.


  • Highlight areas that are performing well (or represent potential problems) by displaying elements in a rank order based on a database measure (e.g. sales).
  • List best and worst performers in descending or ascending order.

  • Display information in tabular format and graphic chart for a clear or business picture.

  • Select any time period (e.g.) current year, year-to-date, quarter-to-date, etc.)

  • Analyze changes in rank across time periods, measures, or even other dimensions.


  • Display trends over time for business measures such as product sales, market share, or average selling price.

  • View each item individually or compare data across multiple dimensions.

  • Use trend data to generate forecast reports

  • Run multiple functions using the built-in statistical library.

  • Display past, current and forecasted information.

80/20 (PARETO) Analysis

  • Isolate vital business elements to analyze contribution to the whole.

  • Analyze any combination of members for any time period.

  • View both individual and cumulative percentage contribution based on a selected measure.

  • Analyze changes in contribution across time periods, measures, or even other dimensions.

Quadrant Analysis

  • Compare a scatter plot of two measures on different axes (e.g. product sales growth vs. market share, or regional advertising expense vs. leads generated).

  • Identify rising stars and top performers with highly visual analysis tools.

ProfitKey International, 382 Main Street, Salem, NH 03079. Tel: 603-898-9800; Fax: 603-898-7554.