
Agricultural Aviation

Source: Professional Insurance Management, Inc.
The sophistication required to successfully manage an ag aviation firm demands an insurance protection package that covers all aspects of the business
The sophistication required to successfully manage an ag aviation firm demands an insurance protection package that covers all aspects of the business, from aircraft to workers' compensation, from chemicals to buildings, and much, much more .

PIM is the ONE aviation insurance agency that understands the entire agricultural operation, from crops, chemicals, terrain and soil to the aircraft that spray and protect the crops. Plus, PIM stays aware of state requirements, advancements in AG aviation, and different types of AG aircraft so they can refine current plans or develop special coverage's to fit each particular situation, at the best rate available.

As one of the oldest and most established aviation brokers, PIM has the clout to assure its clients of maximum coverage and protection for minimum premiums. And as a broker, PIM staff use their knowledge and experience to benefit its clients. Quite simply, PIM represents you in these negotiations. That means the right coverage at the right price.

When you sign on PIM as a member of your risk management team, you can expect its agents and customer service representatives to always be available not only to assess liability needs and the relevant protections, but to service your account in a way that anticipates your needs and requirements.

Professional Insurance Management, Inc., 2120 Airport Road, P.O. Box 12750, Wichita, KS 67209. Tel: 800-826-4442; Fax: 316-942-1260.